8000 Bruges (Belgium)

8000 Bruges (Belgium)

8000 Bruges, or as the Brugean puts it: 8000 Bruhhe

Brugge Rozenhoedkaai

8000 Bruges is the postal number of picturesque Bruges. Located close to the Belgian coast, this ancient city is the capital of West Flanders. Bruges is one of the five Flemish cities of art. The medieval city centre is protected and is on the UNESCO heritage list.
Because of its many canals called canals, Bruges is sometimes called the “Venice of the North”. The view in this photo is the most photographed spot in Bruges.

A typical feature of the West Flemish dialect is that the letter “g” is pronounced the same way as the letter “h”.
Quite naturally, the Bruges version of this T-shirt is written as BRUHHE.

Weird conjugations

Did you know that West Flemish are the only people in the world who conjugate the words “yes” and “no”?

When asked, “Did you do that?” that person will answer “joak” if he means yes.
Actually, he will then say “Yes, I did it”, only everything from the person form is omitted and “yes, I” is merged into 1 word.
If the answer to the question “Did they do this?” would be no, a West Fleming will say “neens”. This means as much as, “No, they did not do this.”

PersonIf YesTranslation
IJoakYes, I…
YouJoajYes, you…
HeJoahYes, he…
SheJoasYes, she…
WeJoaw/JoamYes, we…
YouJoajYes, you…
TheyJoansYes, they…
The conjugation of Yes
PersonIf NoTranslation
INeenkNo, I…
YouNeejNo, you…
HeNeejNo, he…
SheNeensNo, she…
WeNeemNo, we…
YouNeejNo, you…
TheyNeensNo, they…
The conjugation of No

Discover the 8000 BRUGES / 8000 BRUHHE Collection

Products from this collection are sold on our webshop at KING KASKETEE. When you click on an image, our webshop will open in a new tab.

The 8000 BRUHHE caps

Brugge - De 8000 BRUHHE CAPS

The 8000 BRUHHE T-shirts

Brugge - De 8000 BRUHHE T-shirts

The 8000 BRUHHE-hoodies

Brugge - De 8000 BRUHHE hoodies

Everybody wants to buy products that last for years to come. Because neighbourhoodies.com wants to serve you value for money, we sell our first-class clothing at a fair price. All our T-shirts, hoodies and caps are made with premium quality materials.

In order to meet our high expectations, we subject our products to a series of tough tests before we launch them on the commercial market.

For example, our products are worn and washed several times. The robustness of the printing is also tested. First we roll up the hoodie very tightly and then we hang a heavy load on it. To simulate our daily weather, we hang our caps outside in rain and wind.

The cotton we use in our T-shirts is woven in a special way that makes the T-shirt feel very soft and smooth. The heavy fabric (190g/m²) guarantees good shape retention, even after many washes. To ensure that the print looks good and stays that way, we print on pre-shrunk cotton. This helps ensure that your garment still fits you beautifully when you take it out of the washing machine.


Everybody wants to buy products that last for years to come. Because neighbourhoodies.com wants to serve you value for money, we sell our first-class clothing at a fair price. All our T-shirts, hoodies and caps are made with premium quality materials.

In order to meet our high expectations, we subject our products to a series of tough tests before we launch them on the commercial market.

For example, our products are worn and washed several times. The robustness of the printing is also tested. First we roll up the hoodie very tightly and then we hang a heavy load on it. To simulate our daily weather, we hang our caps outside in rain and wind.

The cotton we use in our T-shirts is woven in a special way that makes the T-shirt feel very soft and smooth. The heavy fabric (190g/m²) guarantees good shape retention, even after many washes. To ensure that the print looks good and stays that way, we print on pre-shrunk cotton. This helps ensure that your garment still fits you beautifully when you take it out of the washing machine.

cap 8000 BRUHHE


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